
domenica 13 settembre 2015

I want to race again

Parodia di "What's my age again" dei Blink 182 (X), ispirata ai piloti della Toro Rosso.

I got off my car, it was a Sunday night
I watched aroud to see Redbulls alright
I started to realize that they got rid of me
And now there's race on the TV

And that's about the time they read nice tweets from me
Nobody likes you when you're twenty-three
And you're too old to keep your flying car
Who the hell is that damn kid?
My tweets say he's underage
I want to race again
I want to race again

Then later on, while here at my home
I sent some tweets from my new phone
I said I was not old and their driver's too young
Who would be out of Redbull gang

And that's about that time I'd raced Formula E
Redbull sacks you when you're twenty-three
And you're too old to keep your flying car
Who the hell is that young kid?
My tweets say he's underage
I want to race again
I want to race again

And that's about the time they read nice tweets from me
Nobody likes you when you're twenty-three
And you're too old to keep your flying car
Who the hell is that damn kid?
My tweets say he's underage
I want to race again

That's about that time that no one answered me
Redbull should not take kids so seriously
With a few years ahead they'll lost the seat
Why would they not end up like me?
I never wanna race for them
But want to race again
I want to race again
I want to race again

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Milly Sunshine